Sunday, December 5, 2010


So, I have decided that some of my posts between now and Christmas will debut some of my favorite things. These can be things I already have, or things that I just think are the With each post, I will give a visual and then my explanation of why I just love whatever materialistic object I choose...item number 1...
Ipod touch fully loaded with every Glee song out there. I have this. This little piece of heaven goes with me basically everywhere. From the dock in my apartment, to the gym, on long runs, my office, in my car, starbucks...pretty much everywhere. I was sharing with a friend that I can feel so down in the dumps, but the second I start playing my glee music and dancing around my apartment, my mood totally changes. I would not be able to get through a long run or workout without that music flowing through my ears. It is my lifeline, my pick me up, my sunshine on a cloudy day. This is not to be in comparison with humans...they are cool too, but just remember that I am talking about items and not people. Anyway, if you want to have fun, plug in yo touch and blare that glee will change your life :)

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