Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am in a pasture. I know that in this pasture, the Lord is teaching me all the things I will need for when I move out of this pasture. Like King David...as he was literally in the pasture tending to the sheep...the Lord was preparing him for all the things He would use for His glory later on down the road when he moved out of his pasture. Do I know where or what the Lord is preparing me for? Absolutely not. Am I excited and having faith and trusting the Lord with each step? Absolutely! I do know this, whatever I do, wherever I go, and whatever comes my way...I will do it all for the glory of the Lord. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says that whatever we eat or drink or whatever we do, do it for the glory of the Lord. That is my purpose. My purpose is to glorify the Lord. That is why I am here...and that is what I want and am going to do. No, I am not perfect, and I will have some days where my thoughts or actions are not glorifying the Lord, but I am striving to take every thought captive. I am striving to glorify the Lord and to shine shine shine for Him.
Not only is my purpose to glorify the Lord in everything, but it is yours too. Are you glorifying the Lord with the way you are living, thinking, acting, and in all areas of your life? We all have the exact same purpose...are you striving to fulfill this purpose?