Sunday, October 18, 2009

sunday work

I have Monday off for fair day with the fam! SOOOOO excited! Not only am I excited about hangin with my fam bam all day, I am excited to try all the yummy food!!! Yay! I check my work email often...and I have a TON of work emails from Friday, Dad said he was going into work today, so I tagged along...I entered over 40 orders...CRAZY! so glad I went in today. It was very quiet and I covered alot of ground in a short time. i told boss man that i was going to stop working on Mondays and Fridays and come in for a couple hours on Sunday...that didnt fly...hah. I tried.
Now i am comfortably nestled on my parents couch patiently awaiting to watch amazing went over and how 60 minutes is on...and mom and i will then watch deperate housewives!!! LOVE that show!

Friday, October 16, 2009

JoYfuLLy hAPpY!

I am so happy! That stated, let me fill you in on what's been happening...
On September 18th, I moved outta my parents house and into my first apartment...the last time I moved out was for the 5 weeks that I was at LU, but that doesn't really, I have moved out and it has been so exciting! Thanks to my awesome older brother and my favorite brother in law who did all the heavy lifting up 3 flights of stairs! After I loaded my car, Amber's car, and put the matress in Daniel's truck, we headed off the 14100 Renaissance Lane #305! Amber and our amazing to work unloading dishes and kitchen stuff while Daniel and I carried things up the 3 flights...he was a trooper. A couple hours later, Bobby hopped in the furniture loaded Majestic box truck (thanks Brad Capps for picking up all the furniture) and headed my way. The boys quickly unloaded everything and then we were ready to put stuff together and SHOP! Amber and I covered ALOT of ground that day and the next. Bobby hung pictures and curtain rods...I still have more to hang (Bobby, that was your hint to get over here and help me I still need to get deck furniture and finish up the 2nd bed room...I was going to make it into a guest bedroom, but I have changed my mind and want to put a futon instead of a bed. I want cubby bookshelves with baskets and a table...kind of like a craft room, but not...I don't really know what to call it!
I have done ALOT of cooking. I say ALOT because I have never really cooked...yes, I can cook, but I just never really needed to...or wanted has been soooo much fun!
Other things other than moving out...
I am not working in human resources at work...I did this 5 years ago when I started full time at Majestic, but when all the changes happened about 2 years ago I went full time in the Marble department...but now...I am doing both! I LOVE it! I like being busy and really having to think. I do have to think with the marble part, but the HR side involves employees and payroll, so it is carefully done!
I just finished my first 2 college classes this week! YAY!!! It is very exciting and I am looking forward to more...I also changed my major...I am going to and accounting degree! I love numbers and that is what accounting is!
Some highlights since the last time I blogged:
moved out
I keep everything sooo neat
gotten sooo much closer with my amazing family
really bonded with my sissy
new job stuff
adam and bryant came over...watched ncis...had alot of fun
i get to walk 3 flights of stairs and i love it
my quiet time is AMAZING!
finished 2 classes...and the next 2 start in a week

YaY! Now, im heading to NRCA for a Mac Powell after party...and I have Monday off for the NC State FAIR...a whole lotta happy!!!!
I'll put some pics up soon!!!!