Saturday, January 9, 2010

guilty pleasure.

okay. I have blogged about tv for a few days...and this will be my last. no promises though :)

Every Sunday night at 9 o'clock I join Gabby, Susan, Bri, Lynette, and all the scandal on Wysteria Lane. When this showed first aired, I was totally against watching it. Then, a lady from work...who was 63 at the time, told me about how she loved the show. So, I gave it a watch. Let me tell you, I laughed. It is a very entertaining and very amusing show! So, I wanted to catch up...I was 3 seasons behind. I bought season 1...watched it in 1 day. I woke up watched 3 episodes, left and coached 3 hours of soccer, and came home and finished it...I was up pretty late that night. Then, I did it again the next weekend...then the next, until I was caught up. Along the way I got my mom hooked. Since I have moved out, I go home every Sunday night just to watch Desperate Housewives with my mom. It is something we love to watch together. Funny thing...when we found out Carl was dead...both our jaws dropped and we said "OH NO"! Even though Carl was not a good guy...we had grown to love him!
Okay...that's enough. I love Desperate Housewives. The Lifetime channel airs old Housewives episodes from 3-6 every weekday!

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