Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sweet Hour of Prayer

This doesn't happen alot, but it has happened atleast once a week over the past 3 weeks. I will wake up randomly in the middle of the night...WIDE awake. No going back to sleep. This is a kind of awake and alertness to where I want to put my running shoes on and sprint out the door...but I feel that at 3AM that might be a little unsafe. So, what is a gal to do when she is awoken at 230 in the morning? Pray. I get out of my bed and head to the couch. For the next however long, I just pray. Let me tell is the sweetest time. My mom used to tell me growing up that if you wake up in the middle of the night, it is the Lord calling you to prayer. That has really stuck with me. A few weeks ago when this happened, I immediately knew what I needed to pray specifically for. So, next time you wake up at a random time during your sleeping period, take it as a call from Jesus to get on yours knees. If you don't have something specific to pray for, pray for everything and everyone. Talk to Jesus. Nothing is sweeter than spending time with Him in the wee hours of the morning.
Happy Sunday! Hope you have a wonderful time worshipping with your church family today!

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